Chronic Pain Consultants, Belfast
We specialise in managing: Back Pain, Neck Pain, Cervicogenic Headaches, Fibromyalgia, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Abdominal Pain, Surgical Scar Pain, Groin Pain, Atypical Facial Pain, Shoulder Pain, Elbow Pain and Migraines
For preliminary enquiries email us: painclinicNI@icloud.com
Kingsbridge Healthcare, Belfast
Dr Niranjan Chogle
Friday morning
Ring 028-90667878
Ulster Independent Clinic
Dr Niranjan Chogle
Wednesday morning
Ring 028-90687444
Medical Associates,
Derryvolgie Avenue, Belfast
Dr Monica Chogle
Friday morning
Ring 028-90382202
Kingsbridge Healthcare, Belfast
Dr MonicaChogle
Tuesday morning
Ring 028-90667878
Key Information:
Kindly bring a Referral Letter from GP, Consultant or Physio. Please bring with you a list of current Medications / MRI Reports / MRI Discs etc. at the time of Consultation.
New Consultation Fee = £250 *
Follow up Consultation Fee = £180 *
*Consultation fee does not include injection fee.
*Private clinics may charge some additional admin costs, fee for use of ultrasound scanner, and fee for use of treatment room.
Patients covered by Private Heath Insurance have to obtain an Authorisation from their Insurance provider prior to booking the Consultation. Patients will have to pay Fees as mentioned above if their Insurer decides not to cover Chronic Pain Consultations & Treatments.​
Due to recent changes in prescribing guidance in Northern Ireland, we are unable to offer private prescriptions for Opioids / Pregabalin / Gabapentin.
Pain Clinic Consultation Fee does not include any procedures. If any Procedure is required, the relevant fees will be invoiced by the Clinic. Most procedures are planned & performed in Theatre & X-Ray suite. Some Office based procedures will be offered in the Out Patient Clinic, and those will be charged in addition to consultation fees.
Common Pain Conditions we Diagnose & Manage:
Fibromyalgia Syndrome
Occipital Neuralgia
Neuropathic Pain
Sacro Iliac Joint Pain
Trigeminal Neuralgia
Neck Pain
Spinal Facet Joint Pain
Sciatica / Radiculopathy
Chronic Post Surgical Pain
Spinal Stenosis
Pelvic / Scrotal Pain
Hip Arthritis
Shingles Pain
Whiplash Injury Disorder
Cancer Pain
Knee Arthritis
Myofascial Pain Syndrome
Dr Niranjan Chogle

Dr Niranjan Chogle
Dr N Chogle is a fully trained Consultant in Pain Medicine & Anaesthesia. He is based in the Ulster Hospital as a Consultant in Anaesthesia & Pain Medicine.
His private practice is based in three clinics:
Kingsbridge Healthcare Group, Belfast
Ulster Independent Clinic, Belfast &
Orthoderm Clinic, Hillsborough,
He caters to insured or self paying patients who seek relief from chronic pain.
Dr N Chogle graduated from India and underwent Anaesthesia & Cancer Pain training there. He undertook further training in the UK from 2002 till 2008, and joined as a Consultant Anaesthetist in Ulster Hospital in 2008.
He underwent Advanced Pain Training for one year in Aberdeen, Scotland.
He specialised in minimally invasive techniques which can help manage back pain or neck pain, potentially avoiding irreversible surgery on the spine. He gained valuable experience both in Neuromodulation and Radiofrequency (RF) denervation (a procedure which is widely used in modern pain medicine to burn or stun a nerve supplying a sore joint).
FFPMRCA 2015 London
CCT 2008 Northern Ireland
FCARCSI 2004 Dublin
MD 1998 Nagpur India
MBBS 1995 Nagpur India
Pain Training:
Advanced Pain Training 2014 Aberdeen
Higher Pain Training 2013 Belfast
Basic Pain Training 2005 Belfast
Membership of Pain Societies:
International Spine Intervention Society
British Pain Society

Dr Monica Chogle
Dr Monica Chogle is a fully trained Pain Consultant practicing in Northern Ireland.
Her private practice is based in:
Medical Associates, Belfast &
Kingsbridge Healthcare, Belfast
She graduated from India (MBBS), followed by post graduation (MD Anaesthetics). Following her post graduation she underwent further higher training in cancer pain.
She undertook further training in UK and was awarded CCT in Anaesthetics. She also underwent Advanced Pain Training in N Ireland.
She has been practicing Pain Medicine in Antrim Hospital since 2011.
She specialises in low back and neck pain management. She has a keen interest in management of widespread pain syndromes such as fibromyalgia which are very difficult to treat. Her special interests are pelvic pain in female patients and chronic post surgical pain. She is trained in Botox injections for Migraines and myofascial pain.
She follows the biopsycho-social approach in chronic pain management. She helped develop the Pain Management Programme(PMP) in Northern HSC Trust.
AFFPM Associate Fellow of Faculty of Pain Medicine, London
CCT 2010 Northern Ireland
FCARCSI 2005 Dublin
MD 1999 Nagpur India
MBBS 1996 Nagpur India
Pain Training:
Advanced Pain Training 2010 Belfast
Higher Pain Training 2009 Belfast
Membership of Pain Societies:
Faculty Of Pain Medicine
British Pain Society
Northern Ireland Pain Society
Pain Services Offered
Initial Assessment & Examination
A thorough Bio-Pshycho-Social Pain History and examination will help us establish a cause and contributors for the Pain.
Medication Review and advice on Safe Wean of medications.
We can help optimise medication use and reduce risks associated with long term use
Diagnostic Injections
These injections help us confirm or rule out a particular joint or nerve as a cause of Pain
These are performed under X Ray guidance to target the medicines to specific levels of the cervical or lumbar spine
Facet Joint & SacroIliac Joint Injections
These injections are performed under X Ray guidance to deposit medicines near painful facet joints in the spine
Radiofrequency Denervation
This procedure enables us to burn the nerve which transmit the pain form facet joints in the spine. Pain relief will last much longer than steroid injections alone
BOTOX Injections
These injections are beneficial in Migraines, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Facial Pains, & recurrent muscle spasms
Pulsed Radiofrequency
This procedure enables us to stun the nerve which transmit the pain form scars, joints and muscles. Quality of Pain relief is better and benefit last much longer than steroid injections alone
These infusions can help break the pain cycle in patients with severe neuropathic pain, pelvic pain & some Fibromyalgia suferers to facilitate wean ineffective medications
Trigger Point Injections
Targeted Local Anaesthetic injections can give short term relief in Myofascial Pain & Scar Pain
Clinic Locations: Dr Niranjan Chogle
Friday morning at
Wednesday afternoon at
Wednesday morning at
Orthoderm Clinic
2 Ballynahinch Road
Hillsborough BT26 6AR
Tele- 028 92680940
The Ulster Independent Clinic
245 Stranmillis Road,
Belfast, BT9 5JH
Tele- 02890687444
Kingsbridge Healthcare Group Outpatient Pain Clinic
6 Lisburn Road, Belfast BT9 6AN
Tele- 02890667878
Clinic Locations: Dr Monica Chogle
Tuesday morning at
Friday morning at
Medical Associates, 25 Derryvolgie Avenue, Belfast
BT9 6FN. Tele- 028-90382202
Clinic Email: secretary@medical-associates.co.uk
Kingsbridge Healthcare Group Outpatient Pain Clinic
6 Lisburn Road, Belfast BT9 6AN
Tele- 02890667878
Email Dr Niranjan Chogle
(For preliminary enquiries ONLY)
Email Dr Monica Chogle
(For preliminary enquiries ONLY)
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